Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Shit I Found Saturdays


Shit I Found Saturdays is a new feature here at Mommy Wants Vodka, which is more fun than a basket of kittens,  except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays. Whatever. Who likes RULES anyway?  So, let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the Internet and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts (lies)

Shit I Read:

This changes the entire way I view the world. A must-read. If you read NOTHING else this week, have it be this.

Reasoning With Vampires – for those of us who realize how grammatically incorrect Twilight is. (Tooks, I’m looking at YOU here)

Criggo – awesome collection of headlines that show precisely WHY newspapers are going the way of the (insert endangered species here).

Shit I Wrote:

Over at The Stir – I’m talking about mah kids.

10 of the WORST Pick-Up Lines

Freeeeedom! It’s one of the best things I’ve written in awhile. I love being able to use my words again.

Shit I Watched:

Shit That’s Fucking Hilarious:

Shit I Saw (Shut UP, Pervo):

Shit I Found Saturdays John C Mayer

It’s clear that John C. Mayer is in love with me.

P.S. Maybe I’ll do this for my Christmas Card this year.

shit I found saturdays

Shit Around My Blog:

I offer advertising. If you’re interested, email

I make shirts – most of them are naughty.

I’m revamping my blogroll – if I’m on yours? You should be on mine. (WOW that sounded dirty.) If you’ve already added to the doc, don’t despair – I’m a little behind on this what with moving and all that.

At the moment, I’m removing the Go Ask Aunt Becky button from the site – not because I didn’t love it, but because it seems silly to try to offer advice while I’m starting over. Hoping it WILL be back soon.


Here’s where YOU get to play along for Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters!

What have you found, read, seen, or experienced that was RAD this week?

Leave it in the comments and I will TOTALLY try to add it (credit, of course, given)!

(Will be at Lollapalooza for a portion of the evening)

19 Comments to

“Shit I Found Saturdays”

  1. On August 4th, 2012 at 9:26 am Lacey Says:

    dude. The cat is creeping me the fuck out. Not to mention that it looks pissed. as. hell!

    I love your shit on saturdays, btw.

  2. On August 4th, 2012 at 9:36 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahahahaha! Saturday sucks. I prefer to make it awesomer!

    And that is SUCH a great picture. I really think I want to find a photo studio and do that for my Christmas cards.

  3. On August 4th, 2012 at 10:11 am Lacey Says:

    I totally want to see you arguing with the walgreens kid about the fact that yes, you have the photo rights to it and they need to print it. Like now. Oooo! New prank!

  4. On August 4th, 2012 at 11:01 am Aubrey Says:

    Hey Aunt Becky. I know a fantabulous photographer. Or well at least that is my personal opinion. I bet she would be willing to come make such awesome Christmas cards for you.

  5. On August 4th, 2012 at 10:34 am Dana Says:

    How ’bout an Edible Bacon Fat Candle you can make yourself, because … BACON!!!!

  6. On August 4th, 2012 at 10:55 am swalumni Says:

    Our RAD week including putting an offer on our first home and having it accepted!

    On another note, check this shit out….looks fun and maybe slightly gross:

  7. On August 4th, 2012 at 11:16 am Pete In Az Says:

    EveryBody Runnnnn!!1!!!1!!!!11111!!

    It’s Gonna Crash!111!!!1111!

    ok… maybe not. But, it’s the size of a small car.

    “NASA’s next Mars rover, Curiosity, is slated to land on the Red Planet on Aug. 6, 2012 (EDT).”

  8. On August 5th, 2012 at 1:42 pm Pete In Az Says:

    Rut Ro…

    It seems that things got a bit humid at Lollapalooza.

    I hope young Ms. Aunt Becky is ok, or, at least dried out.

  9. On August 4th, 2012 at 12:39 pm Grace Says:

    That John C. Mayer picture will probably haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. CREEPY!!

  10. On August 4th, 2012 at 12:40 pm Cindy Says:

    where in hell do you get this shit? it’s awesome!

  11. On August 4th, 2012 at 1:55 pm Mike Ballenger Says:

    First time to your blog and the Johnny Mayer picture will keep me coming back. Good Job!

  12. On August 4th, 2012 at 2:12 pm Jaime Says:

    you’re definitely on my blog roll… your shit makes me laugh super hardcore.

    I just tried to post this comment and got a warning from WordPress that I’m posting comments too quickly and I need to slow down.


  13. On August 4th, 2012 at 8:54 pm Melissa Says:
    This was the coolest thing I read all week.

  14. On August 5th, 2012 at 2:29 am alexis Says:

    Sometimes those whose lies are the most effed up at any given moment have the very best advice to offer. (I’ll discuss my cousin’s aunt someday. She’s a life coach who’s on her fifth [same sex, if it matters] marriage and uses her Alzheimer’s-diseased mother’s estate to pay bills. She’s a soap opera in and of herself.) If, on the other hand you feel that answering questions from others is a burden, you have every right to put the feature on hold. I just don’t want you to think your advice is no longer valid.

  15. On August 5th, 2012 at 10:07 am Triplezmom Says:

    I love you, but I may never forgive you for that John C. Mayer picture.

    I thought this was pretty cool:

  16. On August 5th, 2012 at 6:51 pm JustMe Says:

    Is that awful tattoo on someone’s KNEE?!

    Dear jesus.

  17. On August 5th, 2012 at 9:45 pm Tracie Says:

    You are making Saturdays good. Or Sundays – since I’m a day late reading this.

  18. On August 5th, 2012 at 10:18 pm FFW Says:

    All I want to know is, what the fuck kind of body part is that hamhock of a limb with the wolfy tattoo???


    This is why I tattoo parts that DON’T swell under the extreme pressure of morbid obesity.

  19. On August 8th, 2012 at 11:33 am Kristin (MamaKK922) Says:

    Bwhahaha I do think John C. Mayer is stalking you. As soon as I saw that photo you were the first thing that popped in my mind. I too someday want a Christmas card just like that. And because of that picture I totally want John C. Mayer to have my babies Ha.

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