Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Aunt Becky Is Annexed To Canada


Months ago, I was asked by my friend Megan who is the editor of Canadian Family Magazine and she asked if I would be down with posting on their blog, The Family Jewels. With a name like that, how could I possibly say no? I confessed to her that I wasn’t actually Canadian because I am full of honesty and integrity (unless there are diamonds involved) and she assured me that this was okay, they’d welcome me anyway.

Canadians are nice like that.

Given my choice of weeks, I chose the first week in December because I am kind of in love with the holidays and I figured that I would lose My Hardcore Edge if I told you guys how much your Aunt Becky squealed during the first snowfall. Or how misty-eyed I got every time I heard “Silent Night” or “Ave Maria.” Or how maybe how I begged The Daver to put up the Christmas tree in July.

But whatever.

I’ve written three posts for them. Satan’s Little Helper (which if you haven’t read, you should), one that will air later in the week and the one that I am most proud of. Here it is.

Just don’t tell anyone that I have feelings, okay?


Because I am full of The Holiday Cheer, I have bugged my friend Chris Mancini to give you a copy of his book, Pacify Me, which is a great read. Even though I am not a father or in possession of a penis, I read it and loved it. Plus, it’s the holidays and you can totally give it to someone.

So, it’s giveaway time. Which makes EVERYONE happy.

Especially since this giveaway comes with an extra-awesome idea. AN INTERVIEW.

Oh yes, I am interviewing you. ALL OF YOU.

So, if you want to be entered into this giveaway, and I don’t know why you wouldn’t, because obviously, you have one week from today–December 9–to answer these questions and post my rocking button on your blog. Then come BACK here and leave a comment saying that you did so with a link to your entry. If you don’t have a blog, just answer in the comments, yo.

On December 9, at midnight, random number generator will choose a number and Chris will send you a book. Merry Christmas to you! THEN, I have another person tapped to give you stuff next week. I AM SO GENEROUS WITH OTHER PEOPLE’S STUFF!

It’s very simple.

Let’s get started, shall we?

I’m always telling you to shut your whore mouth. Now it’s time to open it.

1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

Mommy Wants Vodka
151 Comments to

“Aunt Becky Is Annexed To Canada”

  1. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:16 am Tweets that mention Aunt Becky Is Annexed To Canada at Mommy Wants Vodka -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aunt Becky, Chibi Jeebs. Chibi Jeebs said: And we're NOT giving her back! RT @mommywantsvodka: Aunt Becky is annexed to Canada! And a giveaway! […]

  2. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:41 am Tasha Says:

    sorry, aunt Becky, I’m blog-less.

    1> absolutely not. however, caramel, snickers and the occasional jigger of bailey’s are always welcome
    2> irregardless. AS IT’S NOT A REAL WORD PEOPLE, stop using it!
    3> purple. no seriously, I’d be coffee.
    4> emptying the dishwasher, just to fill it again. I may switch to a 100% paper plate policy…back off al gore.
    5> the great t’shini
    6> 1. the supremes 2. kelly clarkson (shuddup, I love her) 3. jimmy buffett 4. trisha yearwood 5. nuthin but stringz
    7> TRUE, even bacon.
    8> “you wont have your dad much longer, work harder to make up with him”

  3. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:46 am Badass Geek Says:

    Are you calling my mouth a whore?

  4. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:58 am jasmine Says:

    I too am blogless, I am too frightened of my inability to spell to torture the internet.

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Only if it is soft serve icecream. Don’t mess up the real stuff!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    cutting my child’s nails. They grow back so damn quickly it seems like I am doing it every 3-5 days. and when I don’t? well we all have scratches from his talons.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    1- BNL
    2- Harry Connick Jr
    3- Norah Jones
    4- Kenny Chesney
    5- Black Eyed Peas

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    keeping smiling, it will pass.

  5. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:47 am Kourtney Says:

    1) I’m not a huge fan of sprinkles on my ice cream – if I’m going to have an ice cream topping, it’s going to be something fantabulous, like crushed Heath bars.
    2) I hate the word ‘protrusion’ – just cuz.
    3) Dark chocolate. Because chocolate is delicious, but it takes a special kind of person to appreciate the bittersweet taste =]
    4)Ironing. You’re going to make it look all pretty, and then with one movement you get a wrinkle anyways.
    5) In high school, my Spanish teacher gave me the nickname ‘Ki-ki’ because to call me ‘ka-ka’ (my initials are KK) would be the equivalent of calling me ‘shit’.
    6) This is an impossible question!
    7) True – try bacon on a maple bar.
    8) “Better to be thought the fool than to open your mouth and prove it.”

  6. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:48 am Jenn Says:

    A) I prefer it when things like this are called interviews rather than memes.
    B) Free stuff is awesome. A free book is awesomer.
    C) Are there any wrong answers? 😉

  7. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:50 am gaylin Says:

    1) I am a caramel woman, sprinkles are the bleh when there is even the possibility of caramel.
    2) Flatulence, really, lets call a fart a fart.
    3) Dark Chocolate, tasty but with a slightly bitter finish.
    4) Dusting.
    5) Truck . . . my initials are gmc.
    6) Beatles, Aerosmith, Pink, Norah Jones and the Trans Siberian Orchestra.
    7) Bacon, yum. Wait, what was the question?
    8 ) I would tell young Gaylin to relax, quit trying to be perfect.

  8. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:56 am Teresa Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    Nope, but I like some grated chocolate

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    C*nt – It is just a mean word

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?


    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Clean the bathroom

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    The Queen – My hubby bought me a tee shirt that says Queen of the F**king Universe – Any questions (in very small letters)

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    Johnny Cash
    Patsy Cline
    Rolling Stones

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?


    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    Sex doesnt’ equal Love and Save your money!

  9. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:59 am kim Says:

    1.) it’s ice cream – that’s good enough. wait – are there bacon sprinkles?

    2.) moist. and panties. And if you use them both in the same sentence – you will never, ever get bacon or sex again from me.

    3.) Hello – chocolate.

    4.) Dusting. There is not one funny thing I can think of to say about it. I’ve done it once, never want to do it again.

    5.) kimbobba – way of the bob (awesome) or kimothy.

    6.) the beatles, stan getz, miles davis, joni mitchell,
    oscar peterson

    7.) there is no truer statement

    8.) this too shall pass

  10. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:27 pm Kristin Says:

    Ooooh, I like Stan Getz and Miles Davis and, well, all of them.

  11. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:15 pm christina Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? They wouldn’t be my favorite of toppings, but I wouldn’t turn them away either!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? Moist

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? That really colorful Superman flavor that they sell at Kilwins

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Laundry. I hate it. Also, peeing – sometimes I really wish I could pay someone to pee for me. It’s the one thing you really can’t pay someone to do.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) In college, I was Goose, not sure why, but I liked it

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? John Mayer, Howie Day, Britney Spears, Jack Johnson, Norah Jones

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Absolutely!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Pay attention to the money you make and where you spend it. Make sure you have enough left to pay your bills on time. Also, stop worrying, everything works out in the end.

  12. On December 4th, 2009 at 6:41 pm Stephanie Says:

    he he he…since my nickname in college was Duckie, one of my guy friends started calling me Goose. He thought it was cute 🙂

  13. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:18 pm Starlene Says:

    No blog. Sorry I’m lame.

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    I like ice cream period. with sprinkles, without. whatever

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    oh there are so many. let’s start with moist. ewww.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    gingersnap. wait is that a flavor?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    picking up dog shit.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Mrs. Kravitz. Nobody wants to admit it but i’m not afraid to say I NEED to know what my neighbors are doing. I do!

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    i cannot possibly answer this.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Don’t have unprotected sex. Save your money. Travel. Trust your instincts. Don’t smoke.

  14. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:19 pm Melissa Says:

    No blog, but I love yours, and I cannot resist sharing useless crap about myself or a giveaway, so here goes.
    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    NO, I’m more of a purist, or I would go all out and put candy chunks in my ice cream, sprinkles just don’t add much for me.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    vagina, I just don’t like the word. The body part is great, it deserves a much better name.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    caramel, yes I copied it from the previous comment, but I read it and it was too true and good.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    There are many most annoying, but sadly, none that are pointless. If it really is pointless, I don’t do it. I hate taking out the trash and the compost.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Lissa, my sister’s version of Melissa. My mom still calls me this from time to time, and I really love to hear it.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Melissa Etheridge
    Indigo Girls
    Holly Williams
    Damien Rice

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    SO True

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    out of chaos, order emerge
    Melissa in Durham

  15. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:24 pm Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] Says:


    You guess which question I answered.

  16. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:32 pm Ivory Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    The N word

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Vanilla… so boring

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    cleaning the floors. Oh, that isn’t pointless but it sucks!

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    I only have one… Ivs (or Ives depending on who is spelling it)

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Paul Simon
    John Hiatt
    Jason Mraz
    I can’t come up with 2 more 🙁

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    Hells YES!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    It’s worth it 🙂

  17. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:35 pm BB Says:

    1.I used to love sprinkles on my ice cream, but now, not so much.

    2.Redonkulous. I just have the sound of it.

    3.Coconut~ it tastes as good as it smells

    4.This is tough, as I feel all chores are annoying, but I HATE having to clean the bathtub.

    5.Perk has been my nickname forever, and I actually don’t mind this one.

    6.Man, this one is next to impossible, but I will give it a try.
    -Michael Nau specifically his work with Page France
    -Matt & Kim
    -Fever Marlene

    7.Being vegetarian, I would have to say no, but there is some awesome veggie bacon that is delicious on everything.

    8.If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to wait to have kids. 19 was way too young.

  18. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:36 pm Stephanie Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No. I prefer sauce, hot syrup. Caramel. MMMMMMM

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? Duh is the word I would ban, because it’s not really a word and well duh i don’t like hearing it from my kids….

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? Strawberry. Cause it’s yummy and pink.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? LOL! Go to work! No, really, I would say the most annoying is cleaning the kitty litter box. It stinks.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Steffie is my favorite

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Spill Canvas
    Kid Rock
    Guns N Roses

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    Can’t believe this is a question, The answer is obvious. YES!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    I would tell myself to pay attention in school and that all of my ‘awesome friends’ are actually retarted.

  19. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:38 pm Stephanie Says:

    I posted…but Mr Linky doesn’t come up with the fabulous picture 🙁

  20. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:38 pm Rebecca Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Only on soft serve, I like chocolate sauce on my ice cream!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Cayenne, because I am spicy with just a bit of heat!

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Dusting, no one really sees it anyway!

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Becca Babe, what my husband calls me!

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Kenny Chesney
    Faith Hill
    Garth Brooks

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    I would tell myself not to fall for the first man who claimed to have loved me. He was an idiot!

  21. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:39 pm BB Says:

    And my answer to #2 would be I hate the sound of it.

  22. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:40 pm Rebecca Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? **Yes, sprinkles of the colorful sugar. Not those flour ones that taste like yuck.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? **Can’t because it’s annoying to hear a perfectly capable person say they can’t do something just because they are afraid of trying.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? **Fettuccine.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? **Scrub the shower crevices with a toothbrush.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    **My dad used to call me Shit For Brains. For some odd reason, I love it.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? **(I’m sick in the head see answer to question 5)……Raffi, U2, Jewel, Avril Lavigne, Beach Boys

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? **True, very true!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    **In the end, everything is okay. If everything isn’t okay, then it’s not the end.

  23. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:40 pm Molly Says:

    Oh Girl.


    For me, it’s the Crate & Barrel catalogue. It’s like girl porn. (Take THAT, Levi!) And then I get sad and frustrated that I live in a shoebox. Wah Wahhhhhh…..

  24. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:41 pm Vinomom Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    The only ice cream I like is sherbert and sprinkles don’t go on sherbert.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Cunt. It’s just a horrible degrading word.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Go to work. Can’t someone do it for me? Other than that mopping. I will sweep all day long but I hate to mop.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Dude, do you know how many nicknames I have? (and not just the four letter word variety)My favorite is the simplest one – Gita. I especially love it when people I don’t know very well call me it. But that nickname has morphed into sooo many others.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    I can’t even think of five artists. Kelly Clarkson, U2 (the old U2, not the new) Beyonce, The Chipmunks, and beethoven.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    Thats a good one. I don’t know if it would be “don’t be such a slut” or maybe, “just roll with it” I figured the former one out eventually…still working on the latter.

  25. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:45 pm Sarah Says:

    Hooray for giveaway! Here is my interview:

  26. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:51 pm SciFi Dad Says:

    These questions seem eerily familiar, like the taste of liquid smoke in bacon flavoured potato chips.

  27. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:52 pm Kim Hartman Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Hells to the Yeah, but only the chocolate ones.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? CAN”T, because I truly believe there is nothing you can’t do (‘cept maybe putting my feet behind my head, I’m past that)

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? Baileys, for sure

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Dusting, the shit always just comes back.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    RED, it’s the only nickname I have had since being an “adult”

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    DMB, because…duh. Eric Clapton, because he’s a rock star. Maroon 5, they have music that is sexy and angry at the same time. John Mayer – he’s learned a lot from Clapton and A mixed tape of Christmas Music, because sooner or later, it’s christmas on that island, and I have holiday spirit.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Fuckin’ True

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    I would tell you that you are doing great, back then with Benner and all….I would tell myself to go to Law School, because I just want to be a lawyer, but,,,,I’m nearly 42. so, not so much now.

  28. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:53 pm Bill Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Yes, both chocolate and rainbow.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? Synergy

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? Awesome

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Dusting

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Ogar. I once spelled ‘Ogre’ phonetically and it stuck

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? Nirvana, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Nine Inch Nails, Johnny Cash

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? So True that the universe is based on that one and only truth

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? Invest in Microsoft, Yahoo, Dell in the 90s and sell it all in 2000. Then invest in Google and Apple.

  29. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:55 pm Jenn Says:

    All right, I did it. Mostly because I love you, partly because I love me.

  30. On December 3rd, 2009 at 12:57 pm Dr. Dre Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? – I like sprinkles of cash on my ice cream. I don’t even care that it’s all sticky and gooey. I really like rolled up fifties stuck in both sides of my ice cream like those fancy chocolate wafer straw thingies.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? – Pangs. I think it is a confusing word and people always think you are saying pains when you are saying it. So then people either sound stupid and say Hunger Pains or they sound pretentious when they pronounce the G in pangs. See how much confusion and chaos it causes?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? – I would be a cross between Lime and Butterscotch. Sounds like a Sonic slush flavor, doesn’t it?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? – Clean up after my grown-ass husband. I have photographic evidence.

    5) What’s your favorite nickname? – My dad calls me Ace. But I had a good friend who used to call me Dre. It makes me laugh because it stems from a childhood horror when a substitute teacher called me Andre (as in the Giant) in the 4th grade (I also thought I was chubby.) The name is ANDRA and it sounds just like it is spelled – SANDRA without the S. Damnit.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? George Michael, Eva Cassidy, Jonny Lang, Elvis and Tom Petty

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? – Aunt Becky, everyone knows this one. Truer than True. Just this morning I sprinkled some chopped bacon on my Eggos and drizzled the syrup over each tasty morsel. What a combination of sweet and crunchy goodness. Sounds like something Pee Wee Herman ate.

    8 ) What would you tell young self? You’re not fat (just wait until 2006. Jesus.) and screw more guys in college but use protection. Also, don’t fall for every guy you screw in college because you just need to find your groove. Figure out what you like and don’t like and perfect it. Also, it’s not about finding a dude. Have some fun, explore and travel and don’t be such a chicken shit about making people mad.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent. I feel so much better now!

  31. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:04 pm Aurora Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? I LOVE Rainbow sprinkles on my ice cream!!!!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? I have 2! Chillax and Moist. Chillax is the LAMEST word of all time and I cringe when people say it! Moist is just plain icky. the way ones mouth looks while saying it isnt pretty either!!!!

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? Mocha Mint! My Husband would be Butter Rum and my BFF would be French Vanilla Mint~ We have TOTALLY had this convo before!! LOL

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Folding clothes and putting them away. I will clean the kitchen every hour if it means I dont have to fold clothes or sort socks or Laundry of ANY SORT! I hate it!

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? Rora and Rory are short For Aurora, and I am called those most often but my mom calls me BEan because I was such a small kiddo and I really like it 🙂 Makes me feel at home when I hear Bean!!

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? Janet Jackson, Jimmy Buffett, The Cast Of RENT, Incubus and Aerosmith!!!!!

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? TRUE!!!! Turkey Bacon and Pig Bacon on top of EVERYTHING please!!!!!!! IF you wrap hotdogs in bacon and sprinkle brown sugar on top OH MY GOD!!! The only way I will eat hotdogs 😉

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? The People you spend your ENTIRE school based life trying to impress wont ever really change their minds so STOP trying and just be yourself! Enjoy your individuality and Be who you really are Not the GAP ads that everyone else is!!!

  32. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:17 pm Katie Says:

    If I’m in the sprinkles mood heck yes if not I can take em or leave em.

    Onomatopoeia It’s so dang hard to spell

    Shpadoinkle…it’s an imaginary flavor my friend and I made up, it is the ultimate in awesome flavors

    Washing dishes…there are always so many more of them it never ends 🙁

    La Papa it’s Spanish for potato, I got it my freshman year in high school.

    A.) Beatles
    2.) Dio
    3.) Transiberian Orchestra
    D.) Fall out Boy
    Pi.) Michale Buble

    I do not personally like chocolate covered bacon…so I’d have to say false…but almost everything is better with bacon

    8 )
    Chillax Kiddoe the world is not actually out to get you.

  33. On December 4th, 2009 at 12:04 pm Brooke Says:

    Oh my gosh, I thought about saying onomatopoeia! When I was in third grade, Ronald McDonald came to our school and taught us a song about it. Freaking lame.

  34. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:18 pm Jen Says:

  35. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:37 pm Marissa Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    No… I hate sprinkles. There is nothing worse than eating ice cream and then hitting an evil piece of sugary wax. UGHH…

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    Queef… (seriously??) I despise that word.. just typing it makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

    Creamy- I have the same reaction to this word as I do to the word moist, it makes me sick.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    pumpkin spice .. don’t ask me to explain this because I wouldn’t be able to.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    I have to agree with whoever said dusting. I am convinced there is a dust fairy out there that wants to make me go out of my freaking mind. I dust and turn around and it’s BACK!! It’s like a bad rash that will not go away.. (not that I would know anything about bad rashes.. what? I wouldn’t… don’t look at me like that.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    Mine would have to be Sex pot.. No one has ever called me that but if they did it would definitely be my favorite.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    Lady Gaga
    Britney Spears
    Ingrid Michaelson
    Joshua Radin

    Mostly because if I were stranded on an island, I think I would be sleeping and dancing A LOT and those are the artists I like to sleep and dance to.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    ABSOLUTELY.. I haven’t found anything yet that isn’t better with bacon.. and trust me I have tried everything.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    DON’T DO IT! I would’ve said that to pretty much every decision I made before I turned 21…(and maybe a couple of times after that.) Also- I’m thinking that advice would’ve been good yesterday as well. Oh hell.. maybe if I just stay in the house for the rest of my life I can avert the chaos that ensues every time I open my mouth.

  36. On December 4th, 2009 at 3:41 pm Manda Says:

    Regarding queef – a few months ago some friends were sitting around drinking and we came up with a new term for the word “quart”. It’s a mixture of the words queef and fart. This happens when you fart but instead of politely rolling out the back, the air flow exits through your labial type area. This only happens to women. It was a highly funny conversation, but that may have been due to the beer.

    Regarding bacon – here’s something to try. There is a product called Bacon Salt. It is a seasoning that makes everything taste like bacon. It’s fantastic. Use it as a salt rim on your cheap can of beer (PBR is tasty). It really adds something spectacular.

  37. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:38 pm Randa Says:

    Okay I did it! Even though I already posted today, but it was supposed to go up yesterday…but I forgot about it and then had to post today.
    Anyway here’s my link!

  38. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:39 pm Brandi Mantha Says:

    1) No. Too much cruch

    2) Ornery–it just sounds terrible even though it has a useful definition.

    3) Cheesecake

    4) The dishes–it used to the be laundry but The Boss has taken the laundry over.

    5) Meg–my husband called me by my middle name until we had our daughter, and you guessed it, we named her Megan.

    6) Patsy Cline; The Be Good Tanya; Neil Young; Iron & Wine; Cake

    7) True.

    8 ) Take your friggin time–everything has its season.

  39. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:43 pm Brooke Says:

    I royally suck at badges and stuff, so I’m going to answer here. I’m also just too lazy to blog right now. At least I’m honest.

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No, I hate them. Damn sprinkles think they’re so fancy.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? Vulva. it just sounds ugly.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? A flavor of what? Ice cream? Mint chocolate chip.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Putting away my clothes. Ugh.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)Brookelyn

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, Slipknot, Kelly Clarkson (weren’t expecting that, were ya?) and the songs my husband sings to the dog. To cheer me up. Because I’m alone on an island.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? True.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? Don’t date Aaron.

  40. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:48 pm Angie Says:

    Well I answered the questions and added your button to the blog. Lots of fun to find out things about people you don’t know

  41. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:51 pm Dual Mom Says:

    Do I get points for actually being Canadian?

  42. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:52 pm carissajade Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Only if they are in cool shapes.. like mini- dinosaurs or zoo animals…

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? squishy. or titty… or work.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? ughhh when I’m a grownup and live on my own I will probably never shut cabinets. My roomies are always nagging me about shutting them.

    5) What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Rissa, plain and simple. I was also ok with Barissa.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? John, Paul, Ringo, George, and joshua Radin

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? True and when you don’t have bacon, use bacon salt.

    8 ) Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? It doesn’t matter what any one thinks of you, be yourself young rissa. That would have saved me a lot of time and an eating disorder…

  43. On December 3rd, 2009 at 1:56 pm Shari Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? meh! it depends. I suppose yeah.. only if they the colorful rainbow ones. Not the stupid chocolate ones. bleh

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? SHART – come on.. it sounds stupid and all it means is
    gas followed by mass. Duh..I mean saying “Ewww, Dude You just shit yourself” sounds some much socially correct than Eww dude, was that a SHART?” yeah. Shart needs to be banned.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? flavor – easy Tequila – yeah cuz it makes your cloths come off and it tastes way so yummy!

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Shit, that has to be laundry. Seriously, it never ends. It is always there. None except me knows how to do laundry at my house.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) stupid ass, that was my EX favorite name for me. oooh. It is MY favorite name for me. Shoo. My real talk blog is Shooie. Yeah, I have a real talk blog not just my generic photog blog.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    John Cougar Mellencamp
    Red Hot Chili Peppers (oh yeah baby)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Hells bells Yes! Bacon is orgasmic!!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? God only gives you what you can handle

  44. On December 3rd, 2009 at 2:08 pm Nanny Says:

    *no blog = plateful of assholes*

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    * No thanks. I just like ice cream on my ice cream. But I enjoy sprinkles during sex. Abrasive.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    * “Gay” I’m straight, but can’t stand the way people use that word to describe things that are not all bedazzled and awesome…and therefore – NOT GAY!!

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    *(I was going to say ‘dick’ flavor….but since my hubby won’t be reading this….) Rum. Anyplace, anytime! (Part Pirate, probably)

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    *Wiping my ass. Why can’t it just come out all smooth? No manual labor necessary. Think of how much time we’ve wasted on the toilet!

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    *Nanny. We are Catholic, and Cajun, (both capital C’s, thanks) and Nanny is what you call someone who is your Godmother. It is a high honor. Love it!

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    *1. all the Harry Potter Audio Books…cuz I’m a huge nerd
    2. Beatles
    3. Tom Petty
    4. The Eagles
    5. Green Day

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    *I enjoy bacon flavored bacon, with a side of bacon. I like it in strips, I like it in sprinkle form. I like to fry it different ways each time…reinvent the wheel, if you please. If I had a penis, I’d have a hard-on for bacon. Constantly.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    *RELAX!! In the end, it isn’t really that important, after all.
    (and I should have found your blog earlier…in that fog that follows childbirth…)

  45. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:16 pm Nanny Says:

    I am totally changing my flavor….I can’t believe that I forgot to tell you my flavor is Vicodin. Must have still been under the nice fuzzy haze that is my lovey love. Vicodin is my flavor. As is rum. Damn limitations.

  46. On December 3rd, 2009 at 2:39 pm Daffodil Campbell Says:

  47. On December 3rd, 2009 at 2:57 pm Heather Says:

    I’m all yours.

  48. On December 3rd, 2009 at 3:17 pm Kelly Says:

    I love books, and I love my Aunt Becky…

  49. On December 3rd, 2009 at 3:39 pm Choleesa Says:

    Answers and button have been posted. YO!

  50. On December 3rd, 2009 at 3:44 pm Chris in Phx Says:

    Im blogless but I want to play too….
    1.)HELL NO! I worked at a Dairy Queen as my first job in high school and the sprinkles always ended up having lint and other gross things in them so now I have an aversion to them
    2.)Im drawing a total blank on this one so lets go with “banish” its just seems to harsh.
    3.)Grape, Im with Aunt Becky on this one…nothing tastes better than purple!
    5.)Mama George
    6.)Led Zeplin, Rhianna, Pat Benatar, Cathy Richardson Band, & Trina
    7.)Anyone that has seen my wallet knows my feelings about bacon (look it up on
    8.)I’d tell young Chris, the one with big glasses and really bad hair that in Sophomore year English he needs to punch that douchenozzle Ron right in the face.

  51. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:17 pm Nanny Says:

    *punching Ron* …bastard…

  52. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:36 am Chris in Phx Says:

    right on! On the bright side, I just had my 10 year reunion and I have wash board abs and he is bald with 3 different baby mamas, so I guess it all worked out 🙂

  53. On December 3rd, 2009 at 3:49 pm Manda Says:

    Dude, I totally want to win that book.

    Just cause I like winning things. It’s fun.

    So, yeah, I posted the whole shebang on my blog.

  54. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:00 pm Becky Says:

    I have no website 🙁 and the world is a better place for it.

    1) Sometimes, but only chocolate (and thank you for not calling them “jimmies.”
    2) “like”….it’s become the most obnoxious filler word and while I love a good simile using “like” in an appropriate context, I, like, can’t, like, stand it when, like, like is used in like, every freaking, like sentence.
    3) Spaghetti….spaghetti is TOO a flavor!
    4) Removing cat hair. I really don’t know why I bother since everything just will be covered in it tomorrow.
    5) Recently my friend’s kids called me “Beck-tacular” and I think I’m liking that one the most of all.
    6) I get the full collection, right? OK then – in no particular order 1)Billy Joel 2) Queen 3) Sarah Brightman 4) The Carpenters 5) Manheim Steam Roller (or Patsy Cline if it’s not Christmas).
    7) TRUE!!!!
    8 ) No matter how much you hate it and how stupid it seems – don’t skip P.E or try to get a doctor’s note to get you out of it for the duration of high school…..then I’d show me/her a picture of myself/herself at age 25 and an ungodly weight and reiterate that it’s much easier to STAY in shape then to GET in shape.

  55. On December 4th, 2009 at 3:46 pm Manda Says:

    Dude, Queen and Billy Joel were TOTALLY my top two!!! Really!!! I swear!!! We should be bffs, or something.

  56. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:04 pm Sarah Says:

    Here you go Aunt Becky!!

  57. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:05 pm Sarah Says:

    Here you go Aunt Becky!!

  58. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:18 pm melanie Kerton Says:

    Adding to the list of blog-less

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Stupid–because its well stupid

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    picking up my kids toys, cause 2 minutes later they are out again

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname?
    Melzers (had it since I was in 2nd grade)

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    music from glee (LOL), bon jovi, Enya, Michael Buble, Toby Keith (how about that for an eclectic collection)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    don’t take the safe route in college, try and pursue your passion.

  59. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:24 pm magpie Says:

    Yes, everything is better with bacon.

  60. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:35 pm Joanna Says:

    Ok, I caved, thanks to the fact that I am avoiding doing many important things right now in my very important life. Gag. Thanks for the distraction!

  61. On December 3rd, 2009 at 4:39 pm TJ Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? – NO!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? – Blouse.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? – Spectacular. I would be a flavor SPECTACULAR.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? – Heh. Chores.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) – Unless you count, you know, TJ, I don’t have any. I have eschewed nicknames my entire life. And I hate to be called Kel.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? – Queen, Weezer, Elvis, Dashboard Confessional, Alkaline Trio

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? – True.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? – Do NOT TAKE THAT JOB that sounds like it’s too perfect to be as perfect as it sounds because it is FAR FROM PERFECT and you will end up with genuine PTSD and it will SUCK.

  62. On December 3rd, 2009 at 5:31 pm jessiee Says:

    oooh, fun! but I feel like a copier!

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? only on soft-serve, and only the chocolate ones

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? vagina. it’s such a gross word

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? red hot

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? shaving my legs. hate it. HATE IT.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) Jessie. I was always Jessie to just my dad and my grandfather from the time I was little … now I’m Jessie to a lot of people

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? BNL, Gabe Dixon Band, Julian Velard, Joni Mitchell, Rickie Lee Jones. But I don’t know HOW I could possibly limit myself to five.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? I like bacon. a lot. But EVERYTHING?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? Take the anti-depressants NOW.

  63. On December 3rd, 2009 at 5:41 pm charity Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? not usually

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? c u next tuesday….isnt it obvious?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? mmm…chocolate or hazelnut.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? sweeping- cuz as soon as the kids get home from school, its dirty again.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) Cheddar, yes like the cheese. my husband caught wind of this and refers to me as chedly.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? kelly clarkson, incubus, shinedown, fall out boy, grateful dead.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? false

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? hmmm, everything has fallen into place because of how it happened so I wouldnt want to change the past. Plus, if I told me, I wouldnt have believed it anyway.

  64. On December 3rd, 2009 at 6:22 pm sarah Says:

    Ok, I did mine. It’s on my blog.

    And wow you got an amazing number of people to participate! LOL

  65. On December 3rd, 2009 at 6:57 pm lisa Says:

  66. On December 3rd, 2009 at 6:57 pm Weezie Says:

    1. Not a big fan of sprinkles, but love bittersweet chocolate syrup from Graeters.

    2. The word “huge” just because I hate the way it sounds when spoken.

    3. I would be the flavor peppermint because I see myself as fresh and spicy!

    4. Putting fresh toilet paper on the dispenser. Really, people? You can’t figure this one out on your own? (said to various family members in a disparaging voice)

    5. Weezie. It works plus it sets me apart from the other Louises’ and Louis’ in my extended family.

    6. Mozart, Peter Frampton, Michael Buble, Earth Wind & Fire, and James Taylor

    7. Bacon fights with pudding every time, so I’d have to say no.

    8. If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.

  67. On December 3rd, 2009 at 7:16 pm Mad Woman Says:

    Do I get to play even if I’m in NZ? Purty please?

    Love that you’re writing for a mag from my homeland. And yes, us Canucks ARE nice like that! 🙂

  68. On December 3rd, 2009 at 7:42 pm Jessica Says:

    The whole button posting thing…yah. Impossible. I *just* figured out how to leave a comment…sad.

    Anyway…my answers:

    1: I thought they were called jimmies?

    2: ginormous. I voted for hubogous. I lost.

    3: nutella…

    4: everyone should say laundry. Unless you’re rich and have a maid…and then your answer would probably be breathing.

    5: UPS. Cause I deliver(ed)

    6: Mozart – in case I felt suicidal, Jet – I’d need their good beats for when I had to chop down
    trees, Those Jock Jams – great when running for your life from the “locals”, rascal flatts – just because and….the soundtrack to The Sound of Music.

    I don’t think I exactly followed directions on #6…

    7: me + bacon = explosion. So, no. Not better.

    8: to stand up for myself and not care so much about what others think.

  69. On December 3rd, 2009 at 8:13 pm kbreints Says:

    Fun stuff 🙂

  70. On December 3rd, 2009 at 8:16 pm Mel Says:

    I don’t have a blog, and I’m certainly not a new dad so I’m not sure what I would do with the book, but the questions look like fun. So..

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Only chocolate sprinkles on soft serve vanilla in a cake cone. Other than that, no.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    The P-word that is used as another name for a vag, or a cat. I hate that word so much I can’t even type it.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    I’d probably be vanilla, I’m pretty boring.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    It’s really not pointless, but I absolutely HATE putting away the dishes. I don’t know why, but I’d rather take out the trash or scrub the toilet than put away the dishes.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname?
    I think it depends on who’s calling me by the nickname. My sisters and brother used to call me Melly, I liked that, and my nephew calls me Emme. (Ironically, my real life name is obviously not just ‘Mel’, and I hate it when anyone calls me that. Verbally of course. I’m quite used to it from The Internet.)

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? (I had to fix the your vs. you’re mishap, did you notice?)
    This is really hard, because my music tastes change regularly. If I were to get stuck on an island today I might say Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Just Surrender, Hinder, and the Glee cast (have you heard that soundtrack? I LOVE it!)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    I would tell me to be more active in high school and go AWAY to college!

  71. On December 3rd, 2009 at 8:43 pm a Says:

    I blogged my responses…now you’ll have to go and read it!

  72. On December 3rd, 2009 at 8:49 pm Mindy Says:

    Alas, I have no blog. 🙁 But I’ll open my whore mouth for you, Aunt Becky. >.>

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Nope.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Like. Because like, you know like, how like, annoying it is when like, people can’t like think silently and like need a word to like fill the space?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    It would be obnoxious.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Cleaning up after my 5 (!) male (!!) room mates.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) Jeff. >.>

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? Death Cab for Cutie, Talking Heads, Modest Mouse, Beck, White Stripes.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? I think I would tell myself that my friends weren’t the end all be all of life. But I figured that out anyway. So it’s fine. And to loosen up.

  73. On December 3rd, 2009 at 8:58 pm Alicia @bethsix Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Ew, no. What’s wrong with you?

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? The first thing that comes to mind is “shart” because, although it’s helpful and funny, it calls to mind some bad pictures.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? Chocolate, mothafucka!

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Review my rememberthemilk every day because I never actually do anything on it. My lists just grow and grow and make me feel guilty.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) I don’t have any “real” nicknames, but my husband used to call me Small Wonder (from that AWESOME show in the 80s) because he said I talked like a robot when I was mad. He also used to call me “Ma’am” as in the mom from “Webster” (another AWESOME show from the 80s) because I used to cut my hair really short and dye it red like hers.

    6) Your stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? The Beatles, The Magnetic Fields, Jurassic 5, Blackalicious, Joy Division/New Order… but this would change depending on my mood, I’m sure.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Um, TRUE.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? That I will persist, that I can make it through.

  74. On December 3rd, 2009 at 9:01 pm Alicia @bethsix Says:

    Also? I am very dumb. I thought I was *supposed* to post my answers here and then post your button on my blog, but I’m just realizing now that I was supposed to do both on my blog. Oops. Okay, going to go post the button now. You can assume I’ve done this unless I come back with questions. Heh. Aunt Becky does technical assistance, right?

  75. On December 3rd, 2009 at 9:24 pm BeccaNOTBecky Says:

    So, yeah, also blogless.

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    Dear Internet, My name is rebecca, and I have a confession to make, I don’t actually like ice cream. I know its sacrilege but, its true. Please forgive me internet.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    frick…because if you are gonna cuss, just do it, if the best you can come up with is frick, you probably are not old enough to cuss anyway!

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    I’m totally watermelon.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Washing towels, I mean, seriously, I was clean when I used it, how dirty can it be!

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    Bexxx (has to have 3 x’s)

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    Ben Folds
    Darius Rucker (I think this means I get him, and the Hootie)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    TRUE x10!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    Jealousy is NOT your friend!

  76. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:14 pm Liz Woodard Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Um, no. Yuck. I like roasted nuts. Yep, I said it.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Anyway – because people are always using it the wrong way and saying anyways. Idiots.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Mint chocolate chip because it looks pretty good but surprisingly, has a bit of a kick ?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Emptying the dishwasher. Hate it. I usually end up just using it to hold clean dishes until I use them all up and have to reload the dishwasher.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Lizx – it was a misprint from a standard test we took in 4th grade and my best friend started using it after the teacher called it out while handing back the tests. It is special to me b/c she (my bff) died of cancer when we were in our early 20’s.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Dixie Chicks, James Taylor, Michael Buble, John Mayer, Colbie Caillat

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Hell, yeah. Mmmmmm….bacon (a la Homer Simpson)

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Don’t give a shit what other people think – do your own thing.

  77. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:21 pm Liz Woodard Says:

    Okay, I have to laugh here – I totally did not read #3 correctly – I thought it was asking which flavor of ICE CREAM you would be – so I need to modify my answer to “mint chocolate ice cream” – I’m still keeping it. lol

  78. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:29 pm Kristin Says:

    My post with the interview is going up tomorrow morning. Do I need to come back and give you the link?

  79. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:29 pm Lisa Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Yeah, that is if I could still eat ice cream. My metabolism broke after four decades.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Moist, because obviously.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    I would like to taste the way April Fresh Downy smells.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Cleaning up after my adorable but MESSY toddler at mealtimes.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Mama da Drama

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    I have had little ones for so many years now that I would demand SILENCE damnit! 🙂

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    People won’t remember exactly what you did, or exactly what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

    Mommy Wants Vodka

  80. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:40 pm downriver deb Says:

    1) I don’t care for sprinkles (but then again they’ve never cared for me.) 2) Which word would I banish? Hero (it’s been so overused that it’s become meaningless — such a shame for the TRUE heroes.) 3) I’d be chocolate, of course. 4) The most pointless annoying chore HAS to be dusting. It accomplishes NOTHING! 5)Favorite nickname? Formerly “Shorty”, currently “Gimpy” thanks to a broken foot in a lovely neon green (WHAT?!) cast. 6) Five musical artists? Difficult, as I like individual songs of MANY different genres rather than artists’ complete catalogs, but… Bob Dylan, Roger Miller, Cyndi Lauper, original Monkees, and early Bruce Springsteen/Rolling Stones. (Two earlys = one complete, right?) 7) Better with bacon? Not only is it true, but I think it’s a scientific fact. 8) What would I tell young me? Don’t be so afraid and shy. They’re not so different from you. The more you give of yourself, the more you get back in return. And those who don’t give back aren’t worth your time and worry. Things will get easier in time.

  81. On December 3rd, 2009 at 10:57 pm April Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?.


    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    I must agree with others- cunt

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Cleaning the shitter. It is just gonna get dirty again, like the next time someone takes a dump.

    5) What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    1. 3 Doors Down
    2. Nickleback
    3. Jason Aldean
    4.Brad Paisley
    5. Carrie Underwood

    Weak, I know!

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?


    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    Always wear granny panties on your first dates 🙂

  82. On December 3rd, 2009 at 11:31 pm GingerB Says:

    1. Sprinkles just get in the way of the hot fudge, so, no.
    2. Can’t
    3. Cheese
    4. Trying to get rid of all the paper that builds up around me.
    5. Ginger has always been my “don’t give your real name” nickname, and it sounds kinda racy, so I’ve always liked that best.
    6. Talking Heads, XTC, Chopin, Elvis Costello, Beatles. But why is there no twang on my list? I am confusing myself.
    7. Even cupcakes are better with bacon.
    8. No, you are not smarter when you are high.

  83. On December 4th, 2009 at 1:21 am Mad Woman Says:

    Alrighty…..mine is up too!

  84. On December 4th, 2009 at 3:57 am MLorraine Says:

    Okay, so I obviously have a blog. But it’s all concise and wedding-y and shit at the moment, and as much as I want free shit, I don’t want to muddy it up with (albeit awesome) surveys. JUST SAYIN’. Give me free shit anyway!

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    No. I think sprinkles are brightly colored flavorless ruined dreams. Oh, look, how pretty and bright and fun! Oh. You’re only flavorless little sticks getting in the way of the good stuff. I’ll pass.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    “Quick”, but only when used incorrectly. Yeah, I’m one of those obnoxious people that actually wants folks to use adverbs. It drives me absolutely bonkers when advertisements say things like, “It helps you clean quick!” QUICKLY, damn it.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Extra sharp cheddar cheese. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Cleaning the floor drains at work. Not technically pointless, in that I’ve seen absolutely disgusting results when they get clogged, but annoying in that they are fucking gross and no one else ever cleans them, so then they’re super-extra-gross by the time I notice that no one else has cleaned them all week. [sigh] I swear you can get all sorts of diseases just by looking at those drains.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    It’s a dead heat between “Myrrh” and “Mary Sunshine”. Mary Sunshine was the nickname my beloved preschool teacher gave me. Made me fucking glow everytime she called me that. Hopefully it wasn’t secretly sarcastic or anything. I’m definitely not all sunshine and lollipops these days, but maybe I was then. I don’t know. Myrrh is one of the only other nicknames I’ve ever had, but it’s only used by my very closest friends and is simply a silly shortening of my name.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    James Taylor, Alison Krauss, Al Green, Michael Jackson, and … eh, The Beatles, I guess. I’ve been on a The-Beatles-Are-Obnoxious kick for a while, but after all, they have a shit-ton of songs I like to sing along to. Also, how old am I again? 55? Oh, 20. Whatevs.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    Well, maybe not EVERYTHING, but generally true. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not exactly made better with Bacon, but I will suffer for my Bacon if I must.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Stab those third-grade cunts in the eye. Wait. Maybe young me shouldn’t listen to me.

  85. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:45 am Chris in Phx Says:

    I will gladly hold them down while you shank em!

  86. On December 4th, 2009 at 7:18 am Sam Says:

    I posted my answers in my blog. Was that right? I don’t know. Unlike you Aunt B, I typically DON’T win at life! But here’s the link:

  87. On December 4th, 2009 at 7:23 am Lo Says:

    1) Nah, whip cream or anything with peanut butter. mmmm peanut butter.
    2) Penultimate, it’s just so smug with its usefulness.
    3)Are you asking what I taste like? Your guess is as good as mine. But I’d probably be strawberry.
    4)Putting away laundry. Someday, someone else will do it for me, like my husband.
    5)Lo is probably my favorite nickname – my real name is Lauren.
    6) 1) Van Morrison (2) Otis Redding (3) Britney Spears (what?!) (4) The Beatles (5) Aretha Franklin
    7)Not everything. (Ice cream, peanut butter) but Bacon does rock. I especially like it wrapped around scallops.
    8)Don’t allow your 7th grade teacher to tell you that women can’t be in the military because men would not be able to concentrate on the war, and also get a math tutor.

  88. On December 4th, 2009 at 7:48 am Sadako Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?


    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    Spelunking. It sounds gross and it IS gross. Caves. Ugh.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    Vanilla with chocolate chips

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Washing dishes. I need a dishwasher.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)


    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    The Ronettes, the Crystals, Michael Jackson, the Supremes, Darlene Love

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    False, sorry, I don’t LURV bacon.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    All you need is love.

  89. On December 4th, 2009 at 8:44 am Ginger Magnolia Says:

    Dude, I am all over this.

  90. On December 4th, 2009 at 8:44 am Ginger Magnolia Says:

    And your button reminds me of Mama’s Family (tv show).

  91. On December 4th, 2009 at 9:54 am Jenny Says:

    1. Nope
    2. Fart. I just hate the word Fart.
    3. I would be honey butter. Mmm…
    4. Trying to tidy my three-year-old’s room.
    5. This is cheesy, but hearing my daughter call me “mommy” for the first time made that my fave nickname.
    6. Musical artists for the desert island: James Taylor, Johnny Cash, Garth Brooks, Dolly Parton, Carole King.
    7. False for me. Not a fan of the smoked pig meat.
    8. Life gets so much better after high school!

  92. On December 4th, 2009 at 10:37 am 3xE Says:

    I love everyone’s answers to the desert island question.

  93. On December 4th, 2009 at 10:45 am mepsipax Says:

    Ohh no this is different. I kind of like having you tell me to open my whore mouth.

    1) Fuck sprinkles. They know what they did.
    2) The. That would just fuck shit up.
    3) Purple.
    4) Making the bed.
    5) Trolly (like a train). And no, you don’t get an explanation.
    6) Your mom. I only need one.
    7) True.
    8) High school is not the best time of your life. Alcohol gets easier to buy.

  94. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:09 am Blame Canada! at Mommy Wants Vodka Says:

    […] sure to enter and play along because it’s fun. And, no, FTC Guidelines Person, I didn’t get paid a cent or get a […]

  95. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:13 am Mrs. Gamgee Says:


    here’s the link to my post:

    I just wanted to say, I’m a relatively new to your corner of cyberspace, but I am enjoying your sense of humour and style!

  96. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:18 am Coco Says:

    I love this! I played along here.

  97. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:24 am Ed Says:

    1) The word “sprinkles” makes me think of urine or strippers. Or both. And the east coast alternate, “Jimmies,” is too phallic. So no.
    2) “No.”
    3) Burning. (See: Ralph Wiggums)
    4) Attempt to sleep, apparently.
    5) Fucking Ed. Not because I had a lot of sex (I didn’t), but because I was known for saying shit that made people shake their heads in disbelief.
    6) Grateful Dead, Little Feat, The Temptations, Jonatha Brooke, Stevie Wonder
    7) The Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburger served at the Blue Comet in Glenside, PA, has actually made non-believers speak in tongues.
    8 ) First, I’d totally make out with myself. Then I’d punch myself in the stomach real hard and say, “Get used to it. Life hits much harder than I do.”

  98. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:25 am Where I Open My Whore Mouth « Mommyhood and Life Says:

    […] Check out Aunt Becky’s giveaway and Open Your OWN Whore Mouth! […]

  99. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:29 am Mel Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? – Sometimes, depends on the ice cream. Yes on plain vanilla or chocolate, not so much on caramel super fudge chunk.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? – The word that annoys me the most ‘orientate/d’ can’t be banished as it is not a word, really, it’s a mis-pronunciation of ‘orient/ed.’ So, I’d have to go with ‘pro-active.’ Yuck.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? – I have no idea. My son says strawberry, thinking ice cream. Best I can do.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Picking up/vacuuming up/cleaning up dog hair. Hopeless.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself) ‘Lorelei’ although technically I think that’s an alias rather than a nickname

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? Gilbert & Sullivan aren’t really an artist, but I want to claim them. Then – The Beatles; Mozart; Bob Dylan; and either Miles Davis or Cab Calloway – the judges are still out on those two.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Utterly false

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? It’s not your fault; it’s not your fault, and, it’s not your fault.

  100. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:34 am Victoria Says:

    Alas, I am blogless.

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Absolutely. My friends think it’s gross how many sprinkles I can and will eat. They always form a waxy film in my mouth, but I actually kind of like that.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Legit. It’s not a full word, and that bugs me. Then again, I’m in college, so I hear it ALL THE TIME.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Chocolate chip. Mainly bland and happy but with my sultry moments.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    I hate showering. I just wish I could keep totally clean without having to actually wash myself. (Also, I have dyed hair, and washing in cold water is a real pain.)

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Either Beck or Posh. My friend misread my last name when she first met me, and thought my name was Victoria Beckham. She knows my real name now, but the nicknames stuck.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    1) Sonata Arctica
    2) Indica
    3) Omnia
    4) Deine Lakaien
    5) The Moody Blues
    I know, I have obscure, weird taste in music.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    Vegetarian says no.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Don’t be afraid to seek out help when you need it. Also, wait for good friends and relationships; it’s totally worth it.

  101. On December 4th, 2009 at 12:34 pm choosy Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Second only to Sardines in the least favorite option of toppings.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    chocolate – I’m pretty sure with the amount I consume, I am already this flavor.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    making beds…they just get unmade in the evening. And even though I know this and acknowledge it – and swore I would never do it as a child – still I do it every morning.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Josie – my husband coined it when we were dating and it still gives me warm smiles.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    The Beatles
    Billy Joel
    Steven Sondheim (musicals)
    Rogers & Hammerstein (musicals)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    I don’t actually add bacon to sandwiches and stuff but we have a saying in our house which is “bacon fat rules”. We save the drippings and use it instead of oil or butter for a lot of things – awesomely bad for you!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    You are a phenomenal woman. Act accordingly.

  102. On December 4th, 2009 at 12:58 pm Jennie Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Sometimes, but whipped cream is much much better than lameass sprinkles.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? I like words, I just hate the way stupid people fuck them up and use them incorrectly.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? something spicy and sweet- maybe ice cream with hot sauce?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Chores blow- dishes and.or cleaning out my car(which only happens about every 3-4 months or when I can’t find one of my children)

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? Loafy- my best friend’s boyfriend gave it to me when I was in a fit of depression and laid on their couch My then casual sex partner turned soon to be ex husband and father of my 3 children picked up on the Loafy trend and still calls me that today, 15 years later. I dig it.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? ok- REM, Bob Seger, Velvet Underground, Widespread Panic, and… and… fuck… Johnny Cash.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Completely true

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? well, I don’t like the idea of changing the future, but I would tell my young self that she was not the mortally psychically wounded soul she felt she was for lo these many years. Young Jennie would probably weep, feel better for a minute and then curl back up into ball of morose-ness.

  103. On December 4th, 2009 at 1:34 pm WebSavyMom Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? I prefer ice cream with my sprinkles.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    “C U N.ext T.uesday”

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Spicy Hot with a touch of sarcasm

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Cleaning floors, they’re never dry before someone walks across them.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    Deb Laffin’ (it Laughin was similiar sounding to my maiden name)

    Then I got married, now I’m Deb T. or DEBT.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    a. Bob Marley
    b. Barenaked Ladies
    c. Dave Matthews
    d. Dixie Chicks
    e. Pink Floyd

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Don’t do anything at the beginning of a relationship you don’t plan on doing for The Rest of Your Life -if- said relationship continues.

  104. On December 4th, 2009 at 1:38 pm swirl girl Says:

    1) there jimmies , dammit. Sprinkles is what happens when a guy hits the bowl with his pee stream.

    2) banish the ‘c’ work (and I mean cancer).

    3) I’d be caramel mochiato…it’s the tits!

    4) folding clothes…don’t mind ‘doing’ laundry but the folding and the putting away suck.

    5) my nickname is Wahltah. (said with heavy Boston accent) and it’s the only one I’ve ever had. Unless you include my fake name which is Dianne. *used in college bar days as the name I gave to prospectives.

    6)Van Morrison, Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Carlos Santana, Steely Dan

    7) true dat! Bacon donuts, bacon ice cream, bacon sandwiches…

    8) Love when you can, cry when you have to – Be who you must it’s Part of the Plan (Dan Fogelberg)


  105. On December 5th, 2009 at 11:46 pm downriver deb Says:

    Great Dan Fogelberg quote!

  106. On December 4th, 2009 at 2:46 pm Dr. Dre Says:

    Oops… I forgot that I actually have a blog where I posted my interview!

    I tried to put in the button, but I am too stupid to figure it out. But I DO have your blog linked in my reads section 🙂

  107. On December 4th, 2009 at 3:10 pm Sara @ Life with the Two Says:

    I blogged the interview. Because I needed something to post!

  108. On December 4th, 2009 at 3:31 pm Colin P Says:

    1 – Yes, yes I do.

    2 – Anything ending in ‘shizzle’ and I believe that is self-explanatory.

    3 – Sarcastic with a slight taste of bitter.

    4 – Cleaning my CPAP stuff, I soooooo hate doing that every damn day.

    5 – Devious Imp, because I am not the person to talk to when you have a should I really do this kind of question (ie. Should I really have another piece of chocolate cake cause I already had Two?)

    6 – Modest Mouse, Nine Inch Nails, The Clash, Queen and Veruca Salt.

    7 – Everything really is better with bacon.

    8 – Try not to sweat the small stuff. Most people suck and do not think of others.

  109. On December 4th, 2009 at 4:13 pm Amanda Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No…although I’m actually not sure I’ve ever had sprinkles on my ice cream

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? “my bad.” I know that’s kind of two words, but I go into convulsions every time I hear it.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Spice tea – a mixture of tang, instant tea, and some spices.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Getting the mail. It always starts out fun because maybe something cool will come…and ends in disappointment.

    5) What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    African Elephant.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? False

    8 ) Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? Your parents are real people…get to know them before it’s too late.

  110. On December 4th, 2009 at 4:28 pm Kadye Says:

    Mine’s been posted to my blog. Here it is:

  111. On December 4th, 2009 at 5:25 pm The Mom(aka Amy) Says:

    Here is mine.

  112. On December 4th, 2009 at 5:29 pm Photobucket Says:

    […] Aunt Becky Is Annexed To Canada at Mommy Wants Vodka […]

  113. On December 4th, 2009 at 5:55 pm CatP Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    Down in the South we call ’em “Jimmies.” And yes, I do like jimmies on mah ice cream.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    Duke – because then it would have to be Dook University. Us Carolina fans (their infinitely superior rivals) have known for decades that this spelling is much more fitting, but it would be awfully nice to see it on their jerseys. And hats. And the ESPN ticker… hehehe.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    Well if you really are what you eat, I’d be a chocolate-covered prozac.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Sweeping the hardwood floors. Somehow my apartment is a breeding ground for dust, and my floors WILL be dirty again, within about 2.71 minutes.

    5) What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    I got stuck with CatP in highschool and finally decided to just embrace it. Now that I’m married my new last initial is S, which makes me… CatPS! I went from cat pee to cat piss! Why would I want to retain a nickname that refers to me as feline urine, you may ask? ‘Cuz why the hell not? I still chuckle every now and then when I see it, and the world could always use more laughter.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    Justin Timberlake – because we will need some Sexy on that island, and he’s the one who’s bringing it back
    Garth Brooks – obviously
    Jump, Little Children – so friggin awesome
    Taylor Swift – shut up
    The Brian Setzer Orchestra – yeah

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    True, as evidenced by the size of my ass.

    8 ) If you could go back in time what would you tell your young self?

    Take a year off from college, the world will not end and you’ll get much better grades when you do go back.

  114. On December 4th, 2009 at 8:21 pm dg at diaryofamadbathroom Says:

    1) As long as they’re not moving.

    2) Omnipotent because it is synonymous with
    my name and I am all about conservation.

    3) Bad Attitude Banana

    4) Waking up.

    5) My pre-marriage last name. None of my friends (0r even my husband)call me by my given name.

    6) Elvis Costello, Green Day, The Soundtrack to South Pacific, The Ramones, Duran Duran (I know, but I deserve some man candy, no?)
    7) Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my arteries jamming from the bacon sundae I just ate.

    8) If he’s too pretty, he’ll never be distracted enough from himself to focus on you.

  115. On December 4th, 2009 at 10:29 pm Venti Vixen Says:

    Fun idea, yo! ‘Bout time I finally got to open my whore mouth!

  116. On December 4th, 2009 at 10:30 pm Ashley Says:

    I have a blog but since I don’t have real big-girl intarwebs… Well, here I am.

    1) I do. I love twist soft serve drowned in butterscotch, crushed Oreos and sprinkles. I also love my Aunt Becky drenched in butterscotch, crushed Oreos and sprinkles. My tongue is doing the Snoopy Dance at the thought of it…
    2) Handle. The word handle makes me want to chew things, and I have no idea why. I should remind Erf never to use the word handle during fellatio…
    3) Vanilla and strawberry – the scent of vanilla turns men on.
    4) Dishes. I will scrub the piss-encrusted toilet barehanded over having to do dishes.
    5) Um… Llama. Because my maiden initials (that sounds like something to be stolen in a Victorian-themed Harlequin, no?) backwards were LMA. Which, at 3:30 in the am, sounded like Llama.
    6) Kelly Clarkson. Christina Aguliera. RENT. The Phantom Of The Opera. Britney Spears.
    7) Why is this even a question? Who doesn’t fucking love bacon?!
    8 ) Don’t be stupid – pay your rent ahead. Also, your birth mom is a silly bitch who isn’t worth all the heartbreak she’ll put you through, so stop trying. She just wants the credit for being a good mom without actually being a good mom.

    Stupid Stabby Beckys. I need to forsake all other Beckys and have no other Becky before Aunt Becky. Damn fucking right.

  117. On December 4th, 2009 at 11:59 pm Nicole Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    I don’t really like ice cream. Please don’t stone me.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    I’m not much on banning words (all have their place somewhere), but if I had to choose…”broccoli.” (Can I ban the food, too?)

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Sugar cookies, of course.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Scrubbing the floor. It’s just going to get dirty again. And nobody ever says “oh, what a clean floor!”

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Though it’s cutesy, I love that my family members call me Coey. Especially considering that they gave said cutesy nickname when I was college age. When I was little, they referred to me by my full name only.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Goo Goo Dolls
    Melissa Etheridge
    Matchbox Twenty
    Bob Seger

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    Vegetarian, so I have to say false. (Come to the dark side…we have fries!)

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Don’t play by their rules; what works for them won’t necessarily work for you. Also, when you’re 33, you’ll fall in love with a hot 21-year-old — and he’ll love you back — so don’t waste too many tears on the dorks in the interim.

  118. On December 5th, 2009 at 2:42 am Deanna Says:

    Here ye be:

    Trust me, you want to read this. There’s a bacon weave in it.

  119. On December 5th, 2009 at 5:47 am Andy Says:

    Another Canadian has opened her whore mouth just for you!

  120. On December 5th, 2009 at 6:47 am moonspun Says:

    Oh I can just see those little Amish girls cross stitching that sampler button for you. That’s how it happened, right???

  121. On December 5th, 2009 at 10:42 am Open Up « Names Have Been Changed….. Says:

    […] If you would like to play along with Aunt Becky, you can go HERE. […]

  122. On December 5th, 2009 at 10:44 am Ginger Magnolia Says:

    I played, here’s the link.

  123. On December 5th, 2009 at 10:49 am haley Says:…out-to-do-this/

    I did it!!

  124. On December 5th, 2009 at 12:12 pm Toni Says:

    Can’t figure out how to put the button on….stupid like that.

  125. On December 5th, 2009 at 12:38 pm Calamity_Jane Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    I absolutely lurve sprinkles BUT the my favoritest is a warm brownie and vanilla ice cream…nuthin better in the world.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    their, they’re, and there. technically they are three words but no one can ever get them straight…something definitely needs to be done to fix this mass chaos.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Chocolate chip cookie flavored. When is just one of those tasteful things ever enough?

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Making the bed. Like, honestly, who sees it 99% of the time? You do. And every day you make, you just mess it up again less than 24 hours later. Pointless. Annoying…..why bother?

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Kate….can’t mispronounce it or mispell unless your IQ is that of a chimpanzee.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    *Jack Johnson
    *Couting Crows
    *Jason Mraz
    and just the days I feel like something different

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    False. I’m going to have to go with chocolate on this one. May not be original but its a classic.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Well. The problem with this question is that I’m still pretty young…..but I tell myself everyday that I just gotta let go and have fun. Yes, my personality is extremely reserved and borders on boring. Don’t judge!

  126. On December 5th, 2009 at 12:58 pm sus Says:

    I did it! I did it!

  127. On December 5th, 2009 at 4:02 pm joann Mannix Says:

    I have a blog, but…my mom reads it and since I want to keep the illusion that I’m a nice girl, I’ll keep my answers right here in your always fun world, Becky.

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    I’ll eat em, if they’re there. But, I’m more of a hot fudge, chopped up Snickers Bar, gooey chocolate kind of girl.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    I have two: Crotch-which is just a plain down-right disgusting word. And Creamy. Put the two of them together and I just might have an epileptic seizure.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    I would be a red zinfandel, not a white zinfandel, mind you because, as a wise quote once said, “Friends don’t let friends drink white zinfandel.” A RED zinfandel because it is warm, complex and spicy with just a note of pepper and dark chocolate.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Every, every, every soul-killing chore in my house. I’d rather be writing. But, as anyone who reads my blog knows, my hatred runs deep for laundry. Laundry Hurts My Feelings. (Unabashed plug.)

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    My childhood name is Jo or Jo-Jo. It wasn’t until I met my husband, that I came to be known by my given name. He said he didn’t want to call me Jo because he felt like he was dating a man. I’d say a tad bit homophobic, hmmm? My oldest friends and family still call me Jo.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    1. U2
    2. Annie Lennox
    3.Patty Griffin
    5. Henry Mancini-Because there is no more beautiful song than Moon River, no matter how many times you hear it.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?

    So, here’s why I can’t post on my blog. Yes, everything IS better with bacon and I was thinking about it, wouldn’t a certain oral gift to men be a whole lot better to swallow, pun intended, if THAT tasted like bacon? I think women would be much more inclined if men’s stuff tasted like bacon. I, myself, have no problem with the gift. A few minutes of my time keeps the household harmoniously happy and if that’s all it takes…but, bacon would make it that much more effortless.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    I would tell young Jo-Jo to stop doubting her own talents and just do it. Pursue writing instead of all the other careers I floated through. Writing fills my heart with joy and I dig a joyous life.

    And…oral gifts will not ever taste like bacon, you know, just to prepare myself.

    That’s my whore-mouth (pun intended) take on life for you.

  128. On December 5th, 2009 at 4:54 pm Jennifer June Says:

    My whore mouth has opened and emptied itself here:

  129. On December 5th, 2009 at 7:01 pm Christa Says:

    1. No, sprinkles corrupt.
    2. Peacan. It really annoys me when people say it the other way.
    3. I would want to be the flavor of those little fried crispy bits in the bottom of the Long John Silvers plank basket.
    4. Gathering up my husbands socks. Why must there be a trail of socks?
    5. Princess Francheska Ronaldi Demigoddess of Small Woodland Creatures who are Horny. (Latin Class)
    6. U2, Cake, Joseph Arthur, Beatles, BareNaked Ladies
    7. False. “Everything” would imply not only food items. I don’t want to take a bath with bacon floating in it. Does bacon float?
    8. Marshall’s is evil. Don’t work there.

  130. On December 5th, 2009 at 7:43 pm Trista Says:

    Okay, I know I have a blog but it’s taking me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to put a button on m*therf*cking WordPress. I’ll get it eventually (now I’m determined), but in the meantime:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    No. Just, no.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    “Plenipotentiary” because really, do we need it?

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Chocolate Mint (A close second was the politically incorrect Chocolate Peanut Butter)

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Dishes, dishes, dishes. I feel like I stand at the sink washing the same dishes ALL THE TIME. Over and over. We have a dishwasher, but that doesn’t seem to change things much. At least the baby bottles are finally history. Oh, and laundry and picking up my kid’s toys and where is a live-in housekeeper when you need one?

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    My husband calls me “Lady” and I think he might actually mean it in the old-fashioned, complementary way (not the “HEY LADY” way). Boy do I have him fooled.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    1) The Beatles, because their collective almost all of it is brilliant; 2) Billy Joel, because even though he kind of sucked after the 1980s, his Best Of albums are awesome; 3) Madonna,because I can’t have good taste all the time; 4)Billie Holiday – do I really have to explain this?; and 5) a toss-up between Beastie Boys and Red Hot Chili Peppers – both have been around forever and have a big discography, but while I love the Beasties I’m leaning toward the Chili Peppers because they have slow jams as well as their more hyper stuff. I can’t believe I just used “slow jams” in a sentence. Shoot me please.

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? Almost always true

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Few things are as bad as they seem at the time. Yes, the world is ending RIGHT NOW, but it won’t always be this way.

  131. On December 5th, 2009 at 8:45 pm Nanci Says:

    Ok, so I’m all whore mouthed and geared up here:

  132. On December 5th, 2009 at 9:20 pm lauren Says:

    I participated AB!

  133. On December 5th, 2009 at 11:11 pm Nyx Says:

    Ok Aunt Becky. Blog post done. Go…check it out!

  134. On December 5th, 2009 at 11:23 pm E Says:

    Yeah, I posted on my blog! ‘Cause I’m awesome and I kind of want to read that book. 🙂

  135. On December 6th, 2009 at 7:09 pm Gypsy Rose Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    -I worked at Ben and Jerry’s for two years when I was younger and yes I ate sprinkles by the fistful thank you very much!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    -“skin” -it just sounds gross to me

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    -CURRY! because its dank as fuck!

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    -scrubbing out diapers- i guess its not pointless but it is annoying and gross..i jusr have to remind myself that its better for my baby’s butt and less expensive than buying pampers.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    -“Gatina”- means kitten in Italian- my friends came up with it when we were at Burning Man

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    -oh my gawd this is hard.
    Modest Mouse
    Pink Floyd
    The Fugees
    Iron and Wine
    Simon and Garfunkel

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    -depends on how its cooked

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    -save money and travel more

  136. On December 7th, 2009 at 8:53 am Leslie Says:

    My answers here:

  137. On December 7th, 2009 at 5:33 pm Kendra Says:

    That was fun–and got my sorry ass to write something!

  138. On December 7th, 2009 at 6:38 pm Cat Says:

    Woo hoo!

  139. On December 8th, 2009 at 8:44 am bashtree Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?

    No, they get all hard and weird like eating wax. I do like chocolate chips and/or gummies, though!

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?

    frothy. ick. wait…or maybe fresh.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?

    Cherry. A little tart but sweet enough to be popular.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?

    Mopping. sigh. The second you mop, the dogs or the husband drag their salty snowy paws all over it. There is no point.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)

    I have had terrible nicknames, in the dreadfully boring sense. My name is Ashley and my family calls me ‘Shree’ or ‘Shreeb’ – both of which I hate. My high school friends called me Bash instead of Ash, and that’s the one that stuck. I tried to give myself a nickname (Red) but that didn’t really work.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?

    the young dubliners
    shakira (especially old school shakira)
    yo yo ma
    DMB (I’m sorry husband!)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?


    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

    Keep your head down and ride out the storm. It WILL pass. Don’t be a doormat. People who pin every problem on you do not love you and are not worth your time.

    Thanks Aunt Becky!

  140. On December 8th, 2009 at 11:31 am We Don’t Even Charge Admission To The Freak Show (et. all) at Mommy Wants Vodka Says:

    […] the winner to my Open Your Whore Mouth contest will be announced and THEN! I have a new contest which will be even easier to enter and […]

  141. On December 8th, 2009 at 12:51 pm Lindsey Says:

    I followed your rules… I think

  142. On December 8th, 2009 at 1:33 pm moonspun Says:

    I did it! I said whore on my blog for you…

  143. On December 8th, 2009 at 2:35 pm Catootes Says:

    I can’t believe I almost missed the opportunity to open my whore mouth for Aunt Becky.

    Here’s my sharing love

  144. On December 8th, 2009 at 8:35 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    This is for Sue, who emailed it to me.


    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? LAUNDRY, BECAUSE IT IS EVIL

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? SEE ANSWER TO QUESTION #1 ABOVE.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? LAUNDRY, BECAUSE IT IS EVIL

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)MAD DOG SUE

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? OK THIS IS A LITTLE LAME: BARBRA STREISAND, THE CARPENTERS, ERIC CLAPTON, BEATLES, ELVIS

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? TRUE

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? DO NOT FUCK KENNETH EARL SIMPSON JR…. YOU WILL REGRET IT.


  145. On December 8th, 2009 at 9:02 pm Cortney Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? Hell yes! Ice cream is NOTHING without sprinkles 🙂

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why? Douche- my ex husband used to call everyone this, and I hate the sound of it.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be? Strawberry

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis? Wiping off the kitchen counter. As soon as I’ve done it, someone has smeared/dropped/left something all over it.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    Cort. It’s just short for Cortney, but I like how close friends call me that.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they? Southern Culture on the Skids, Lyle Lovett, Hank Williams, Hank Williams III and Jason Mraz

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false? FUCKING TRUE!!!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self? Don’t do it!!!! Having a kid at 19 is crazy!

  146. On December 8th, 2009 at 10:14 pm The Coach's Wife Says:

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    Absolutely. But not those dumbass dash sprinkles. I want those teeny little balls (heh heh, balls) of sugary goodness.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Congealed. It just sounds like WTF.

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Diet Coke. It’s my blood type.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Makes lists. They only work if you don’t lose them.

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    My favorite blog nickname for myself is CDub. It just sounds gangsta (NOT.)

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Conway Twitty (it’s all about the ‘fro, man)
    Britney Spears (who doesn’t love Hit me baby one more time?)
    A mixed collection of Blues (Mmm. Sexayyy.)
    Lil Wayne (li-li-lick me like a lollipop was my JAM. What a nerd.)
    Reba McIntyre (Fancy.)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    Or. Depends on my mood.

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?

  147. On December 8th, 2009 at 10:46 pm melissa Says:

    i’m at a loss as to how i missed this post?

  148. On December 9th, 2009 at 11:32 am Kyle Says:

    Sorry Aunt Becky – I have a professional web site, but no blog, alas…

    1) Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?
    I can’t eat ice cream…it makes my colon explode.

    2) If you had to choose one word to banish from the English language, what would it be and why?
    Tiger Woods (I know its two words, but I’m so damn tired of hearing about him!)

    3) If you were a flavor, what would it be?
    Diamonds (they taste of wealth and glamour) or pumpkin cheesecake.

    4) What’s the most pointless annoying chore you can think of that you do on a daily/weekly basis?
    Scrubbing the toilet – I mean, really, you take a shit in there! Who cares if its dirty!!

    5) Of all the nicknames I’ve ever had in my life, Aunt Becky is the most widely known and probably my favorite. What’s your favorite nickname? (for yourself)
    THE Gay – given by my friend Liz – and it is totally true.

    6) You’re stuck on a desert island with the collective works of 5 (and only five) musical artists for the rest of your life. Who are they?
    Mozart, The Beatles, Ben Folds, Madonna and Lady Gaga (I told you I was THE Gay!)

    7) Everything is better with bacon. True or false?
    SO TRUE…have you heard of Baconnaise… – it is actually really good!

    8 ) If I could go back in time and tell Young Aunt Becky one thing, it would be that out of chaos, order will emerge. Also: tutus go with everything. What would you tell young self?
    Don’t rush yourself through life – things will happen at their own pace and you can’t force it.

  149. On December 11th, 2009 at 12:56 pm Further Proof For As Much As I Am Doing Wrong, I’m Doing Something Right* at Mommy Wants Vodka Says:

    […] time to pick a winner, for the FIRST contest where one of you won my friend Chris Mancini’s book: Pacify Me. The winner, per Random Number […]

  150. On February 12th, 2010 at 8:52 am WNMarkus Says:

    New here,

    I’m spending my time here for the children of Haiti.

    I’m here for a non-profit haiti group that gives time to
    building an oppurunity for the children in haiti. If anyone wants to help then do so here:

    [url=]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti

    They give kids in Haiti a learning environment.

    And yes, they’re real.

    Anything would be appreciated

  151. On February 5th, 2011 at 8:27 pm OPEN YOUR WHORE MOUTH. | Mommy Is Rock N Roll! Says:

    […] I will do whatever Aunt Becky asks of me. She offering up something or another on her blog as a prize if we fill out this […]

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