Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Ah, But My Shoes Matched.


Monday morning at Target while in the discounted school supply aisle, Ben is playing his DS in the cart, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings while Alex and Dave disappear into another aisle.

Me: “grumble, grumble, freaking impossible to find school supplies, I’ll show THEM next year…”

Ben (while not looking up from his video game): “Mommy, did you put on your bitter pants today?”

Me: “…..”

Me: “…..”

Me: “…..”

Me (suitably chastised): “Um….I guess I should take them off, huh.”

4 Comments to

“Ah, But My Shoes Matched.”

  1. On September 4th, 2007 at 4:53 pm Chris Says:

    LMAO. I love your son.

  2. On September 4th, 2007 at 6:26 pm becky Says:

    So do I. I think he’s been hanging out with Daver too much.

  3. On September 4th, 2007 at 8:34 pm janet Says:

    I, seriously, would have shit my bitter pants if my darling daughter had ever said that to me. And then promptly run down my husband with the cart.

  4. On September 5th, 2007 at 1:17 pm becky Says:

    I nearly died.

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